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global ​Revolution film Festival
Anyone who has been to the cinema in recent years knows that film is in need of new voices.
The GRF welcomes all story tellers, but we are especially looking to shine a light on the work of minority and female writers and directors, who often do not recieve the attention they deserve on the film festival circuit.
We understand how once you've finished putting your hard earned money into making your darling, It can be a real headache finding money to enter it in festivals! Oh boy!! thats why we keep our rates low, we've been on the other end so we know the pain!
At the GRF we dont care what your films budget is. (We know most artist are starving artist!)
If you have a great story and are able to touch the audience, then thats the film that we want to screen at the Revolution film Festival. We want your Drama, Comedy, romance, Sci-Fi, Fantasy.
Make us laugh, Cry, thrill, or be amazed. In other words big budget or no-budget, seasoned veteran or first time film-maker (dont worry rookies your in your own group) the GRF is just getting started, So you give us the best you've got, and we'll do the best we can to let the world know your part of the revolution!
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